I'm sharing one of my kitbashing ideas with my friends at Clever Models. The pictures below are of my interstate bridge created from 2 Clever models kits. The large side girders and the underside decking are from the S71 Half Through Deck Girder Bridge (in HO Scale), while the stiffeners running between the girders are portions of the freebie Lattice Girder and Column kit printed out at 45% of O scale. Below is the underside of my bridge prior to a few touchups....

... and here it is right side up and supported....

...additional pictures of the design and assembly can be found in the following blog entries: Fun with Paper! (https://morristhemoosetm.wixsite.com/rainbows/post/fun-with-paper), Adding the Interstate (https://morristhemoosetm.wixsite.com/rainbows/post/adding-the-interstate), and White Haven is taking shape (https://morristhemoosetm.wixsite.com/rainbows/post/white-haven-is-taking-shape). Fun with Paper also documents all of the models I've purchased and built from Clever Models. All of those are mostly standard builds of those structures - this was the first time I tried to "kitbash". The bridge I was attempting to replicate is shown here:

...and here are both spans.
